Good morning, fam!
Hope you all had a good week.
I don’t know about you, but it’s been a nonstop season of change and I’m ready for a lull.
After juggling house stuff, work stuff, family stuff, and a plethora of other stuff, I could use a vacation, or staycation, or even a laycation.1
While I unpack our last box and use it as a makeshift bed, check out this week’s recs.
Switch your phone to silent, dim the lights, and let’s get into it.
Here’s what I have for you this morning:
I read Stay True by Hua Hsu and it hit hard. It's about friendship, loss, and figuring out who you are, which is something I think a lot of us think about. Definitely worth the read, especially if you're into memoirs. (★★★★•)
Thanks to all the craziness, I broke my streak of one season of Suits per week and it’s probably for the best. I’m sure I’ll back at it next week. In the meantime, here’s some hot, Suits-related goss. (★★★••)
After a coworker mentioned Gushers on a call, you know I had to pop by our local 7-Eleven and pick up some Fruit Gushers Flavor Mixers. They were…decent. I should’ve just stuck with the original. (★★•••)
Since I finally have a home office, I’ve been going DEEP on research for ergonomic chairs and standing desks. Being the frugal2 person I am, I went to a local office furniture warehouse, sat in over 100 chairs, and finally found this X-Basic DVL Task chair. Don’t worry - ya boi got it for a fraction of the cost. (★★★★★)
Speaking of home offices, I’m super tempted to decorate mine like this. My inner 15-year-old would flip his shit. (★★★★•)
Ever wonder how rain works in video games? Here’s a behind-the-scenes look that adds to the list of reasons why I might be getting Starfield in the near future. (★★★••)
What if instead of trying to manage your time, you set it free? (★★★★•)
Want to believe in yourself? “Mattering is key.” (★★★••)
Interested in exploring humanity’s relationship with technology? Check out “The Rise of Tech, According to Sandra Bullock Movies.” (★★★★•)
Pour one out as Netflix prepares to send its final red envelope. (★★★••)
You made it to the end! As a bonus, I’ll leave you with this.
I think this is just a nap…
i.e. Cheap